Parent and Family Engagement Leadership Building Multilingual and Multicultural Communities
(March 6, April 10, June 12, and July 10, 2021, 9am to noon each day) This program includes four modules that build leadership capacity in families and draw upon community funds of knowledge to inform, support, and deepen relationships in a multicultural and multilingual community. Register here.
Mental Health and Wellness Workshops: Let’s start the conversation on zoom
The City of Sacramento Department of Youth, Parks, & Community Enrichment Youth Division is excited to offer FREE Mental Health, Wellness, & Empowerment workshops for young people 13-24 years of age. Workshops will provide a safe space for YOUth to join the conversation & learn more about mental health resources available, tips on wellness, & much more. For additional information about these workshops, go here or contact Katelyn Bossman at or Cristal Mejia at
March 1-31: 2021 Symposium: Race, Equity, and the Future of School | Equal Opportunity School – A series of virtual events running throughout the month of March, learn more and access it here.
A Conversation on Flexible Learning Approaches and Educational Systems in California
Wednesday, March 10th, 12:15pm PT, Join on Twitter HERE.
Join for a conversation on flexible learning approaches featuring Marty Alvarado, California Community Colleges’ executive vice chancellor for educational services, and Linda Collins, founder and executive director of the Career Ladders Project and CA EDGE Coalition board president. Read more about this topic HERE.
Join the California School-Based Health Alliance and the Regional Educational Laboratory West for a free virtual event to provide Central Valley educators and health and mental health practitioners with skills and guidance to prevent suicide among children and youth in the region.
Stability and Change in Afterschool Systems Webinar | Thursday, March 11th, 11am-12pm PT, Register HERE.
Citywide systems that coordinate the work of out-of-school time (OST) providers, government agencies, private funders, and others are designed to ensure that OST programs reach children who lack access to quality programming. In 2012, The Wallace Foundation asked FHI 360 to conduct an exploratory study to determine the extent to which U.S. cities with populations over 100,000 were undertaking afterschool system-building initiatives. As a follow-up to the earlier study, FHI 360 will release a “Sustainability study” to ascertain the current status of afterschool system development in the same cities that were coordinating in 2012–2013. Join us to hear from leaders from afterschool systems around the country to hear how their work has progressed, the impact of systems on their communities, and their insights for the future.
Sacramento Promise Zone’s Free Mind, Body, & Spirit Health Series
Session 1: Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Awareness and Resilience
Friday, March 12th, 9:30am-10am PT, Join via Zoom HERE.
The Sacramento Promise Zone is partnering with Samuel Merritt University to host a bimonthly mind, body, & spirit series that will feature medical professionals sharing information focused on improving health outcomes and eliminating disparities.
Engineer for the Week Program Sign Ups Closing Soon | Applications due Sunday, March 14th, Apply HERE.
Engineer for the Week provides a high-quality, cost-free curriculum that helps students ages 11-18 develop computer science skills and explore engineering as they design a prototype to achieve positive social impact. To run a one-week EFTW project with your students, register by March 14. Facebook provides technical assistance for you to run the project anytime from March 15 to May 14. Stipends will be awarded to the first 18 programs that complete the project: the first 8 programs will receive $500, and the next 10 programs will receive $200.
Fireside Chat: State and Local Government Prenatal-to-Three Collaboration in Action | Tuesday, March 16th, 10am-11:15am PT, Register HERE.
In the spirit of this drive towards equity and cooperation, the National League of Cities (NLC), National Association of Counties Research Foundation (NACoRF), and the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) have partnered to launch the State and Local Government Prenatal to Three Collaboration in Action Series. As part of this series NLC is hosting a Government in Action Fireside Chat showcasing how the collective role of government is vital in advancing prenatal to three efforts as we re-imagine equitable systems with young children in mind.
Undocu-Wisdom Workshop Series: Paying for College as an Undocumented Student & Alternate Ways to Make an Income
Wednesday, March 17, from 3pm – 4pm
Each month, an immigration attorney will provide updates and information on topics that are top-of-mind for undocumented students, immigrant communities, and their allies. Sessions include time for Q&A. Zoom ID: 384 8693 4664
More dates: April 14-Know Your Rights when encountering ICE; May 12-Immigration Reliefs & Immigration Policy Briefing
Public Sector in Transition or Saved? Thinking Beyond COVID-19 AND Federal Relief Packages
March 18, 2021 from 2pm to 4pm
IPPS March Meeting to Feature Dr. Robert Eyler, experienced economist focused on regional economic development and analysis specializing in public policy analysis for government. Focusing on: A quick forecast and overview of national and state economies; overview of North State economy and specific challenges and opportunities; The Public Sector transition or empowered for 2021 to 2025; Current state of employment; Headwinds and tailwinds for state, county and city governments; Thinking about a new model for work; diversification of income; public education as a quick case study; how rural California is different than urban and suburban in terms of the public sector; career tracks that may be forming in the public sector (public health, e.g.); how do changes in the forecasts affect the public sector to 2025?
COVID-19 Emergency Rent & Utilities Assistance Program | Applications due Friday, March 19th, Apply HERE.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency, in partnership with the City and County of Sacramento, is offering emergency rent and utilities assistance for renters impacted by COVID-19. Applicants must rent a home in the City or County of Sacramento, have experienced job loss or financial hardship due to COVID-19, behind in rent and/or utilities or inability to remain current on rent, and current gross household income must be at or below low-income limits.
Fun from Home! Free 10-Week Arts Virtual Workshop Series, March 22nd through July 2nd
How can federal policy support state efforts to foster positive youth skill development and overall mental health? The pre-K to Grade 12 education system has been tested in unprecedented ways over the past year, and educators, leaders, students, and their families have stepped up to the challenge in unique and innovative ways. One key lesson is the importance of centering social and emotional development and well-being to help students and adults navigate virtual and in-person learning, especially while working through trauma. In this briefing, students, members of Congress, and experts in child development will discuss the importance of social emotional learning (SEL) concepts and how they can be advanced through federal policy.
This exciting new opportunity for Latino students interested in public service-oriented internships in Washington, D.C. is generously funded by Latinx former Obama-Biden administration officials to support the next generation of Latino leaders. The program will provide $1,500 scholarships to several eligible students that are a current college or graduate student, identify as Latinx/a/o, and have an identified public service internship in Washington, DC for summer 2021.
Pursuing Equity for Black Students in K-12 Education: Exploring the Intersection of Race and Disability TLC Series
The NCSI continues to host this webinar series that centers the conversation of race and disability across the national landscape through their TLC series. Registration for this event can be found on the WestEd NCSI Thought Leader Conversation Series web page at
Session #4
Research-Informed Practice
May 18,2021
12:30pm-2pm PT
Session #5
Systems Conference
July 18, 2021
12:30pm-2pm PT
Prevention Institute and Healthline’s Stronger Scholarship | Applications Due Tuesday, April 20th, Apply HERE.
In recognition of the important role young changemakers play in creating healthy, safe, vibrant, and equitable communities, Prevention Institute has partnered with Healthline to offer this year’s Stronger Scholarship. The scholarship will award three $7,000 scholarships to students working to improve community conditions and reduce health inequities in their communities. Eligible applicants include students of color who identify as Black, Indigenous, Latinx, and/or Pacific Islander that are college juniors or seniors in Fall 2021 and demonstrate leadership and community involvement related to health equity.
Early Childhood Municipal Policy 101: Aligning City, County, and State for Early Childhood Success Webinar
Thursday, April 22nd, 11am-12pm PT, Register HERE.
This webinar is part of NLC’s Municipal Policy 101: Building a Better Tomorrow for Young Children and Families webinar series that delves into key components of municipal policy and early childhood systems building for leaders so that they can feel empowered to place the welfare of young children and families at the heart of policy making.
Early Start Webinar Series
To address the needs of Early Start during the coronavirus pandemic, this webinar series offers the following:
Telepractice series, which focuses on web-based strategies to support the development of infants and toddlers in Early Start
Wellness, Mental Health, and Resilience Series, which focuses on preventing, recognizing, and addressing stressors for children, families, and professionals
Registration for this event can be found on the California Early Start website at, where you will first need to login or create an account, enroll in a webinar series, and then sign up for individual webinars in these series as they become available. These webinar series will continue until May 31, 2021.
Equity by Design Webinar Series (Part 1): A Conference in a Box Presented by Katie Novak and Mirko Chardin (Fall 2020)
The Equity by Design conference focuses on the following objectives:
Understand how Universal Design for Learning (UDL) can help to dismantle inequitable systems and practices to provide all students with equal opportunities to learn at high levels
Explore and express the connections between UDL and culturally sustaining pedagogies, trauma-informed practices, and anti-racist teaching practices
Design more equitable, linguistically appropriate, and culturally responsive lessons that elevate and celebrate students in ways that are authentically relevant
Equity In Education Course Presented by Epoch Education: A Series of Nine Self-Paced Web Modules
Epoch Education is offering SIP grantees and California educators access to nine prerecorded web modules focused on equity in education. Registration will grant you access to the following nine prerecorded web module until June 1, 2021:
· Module #1: Becoming Racially and Ethnically Conscious
· Module #2: Cultivating Cultural Competency
· Module #3: Culturally Relevant Pedagogy as A Lens for Equity
· Module #4: The Impact of Microaggressions
· Module #5: Supporting Student Empowerment
· Module #6: Our Role in Confronting and Overcoming Systemic Oppression
· Module #7: What is Implicit Bias?
· Module #8: Debiasing Our Thoughts and Actions
· Module #9: Exploring Issues of Privilege and Entitlement
The Partnerships for Social Emotional Learning Initiative (PSELI) is a comprehensive, multiyear initiative exploring whether and how children can benefit from intentional partnerships between schools and out-of-school time programs focused on building social and emotional skills–and what it takes to do the work. Each episode features discussions of early findings and lessons from a RAND Corporation study of the first two years of the initiative.
Education and the Path to Equity Blog Series Featuring Janel George
The Learning Policy Institute has released their latest blog post in their Education and the Path to Equity blog series focusing on the removal of prohibitions on using federal school transportation funds to support school integration.
Youth Link Sacramento is a fast and easy way to promote youth offerings, identify referrals, or make warm handoffs with new submissions being viewable on the website’s searchable database within 24 hours. Many local organizations have already submitted more than 150 youth activity or program offerings, and new resources continue to be added. Please continue to spread the word and submit your programs or activities to be featured on the site.
My Turn is where you can find out if it’s your turn to get vaccinated and schedule vaccination appointments. Everyone in California will have an opportunity to get vaccinated against COVID-19. But our vaccine supply is limited right now. So we’re starting with the groups who are at highest risk, like people with a high chance of exposure and people 65 and older. Are you eligible?Find out if it’s your turn by answering a few questions. It only takes a few minutes. If you’re eligible and vaccine appointments are available through My Turn, you can schedule one. If it’s not your turn yet or appointments are not available, you can register to be notified when you’re eligible or when appointments open up.Visit My Turn
The Sacramento Youth Commission’s (SYC) mission is to protect, preserve, enhance & advance the quality of life for Sacramento youth by advising the City Council and the public on issues relating to youth policies, programs, & opportunities.
D5 has two vacant seats! Contact our office if you’re a young person between the ages of 14-24, live or go to school in Council District 5, and are interested in representing our community! To apply, click here:
For more information about the Sacramento Youth Commission (SYC) please email or call (916)808-6172.