Calling all Sacramento artists! City seeks creatives for community murals

The City’s Office of Arts and Culture is looking for artists to apply to be part of the new Community Murals program which will commission local artists to create community-based murals in each of the City’s eight Council Districts.

Funded by the City’s General Fund, the mural program is part of the City’s “Creative Edge” plan to bring art and culture to Sacramento neighborhoods and communities.

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Warming centers remain open

The City is offering warming centers at the Tsakopoulos Library Galleria (9th & I) and the Southside Park Pool House (6th and U). Vehicles can park safely at the City Hall garage, (10th & I) which will have a portable restroom. Hours are 8 p.m. to 8 a.m.

For volunteering opportunities, please register HERE

Volunteer shifts:

SHIFT I: 7:30 PM – 12:00 AM (Intake, registration of guests)

SHIFT II: 12:00 AM – 4:30 AM (Supervision)

SHIFT III: 4:30 AM – 8:30 AM (Prepping for guests to exit and cleaning)

LOCATION: Galleria Library in Sacramento

828 I Street

Sacramento, CA

Volunteers to enter and park thru the alley entrance on J Street.

You MUST register which shift you can work and the day you are working. PLEASE do not show up without registering.

This is why you elected me – ami bera

 Every day I’m working to make health care more affordable, more accessible, and better quality. Here’s a brief update on the work I’ve done over the past few months to better serve you.

Making health care more affordable: 

As a physician, I’ve sat with patients who can’t afford their health insurance or medication. It’s a horrible feeling. That’s why I voted to lower the cost of prescription drugs by allowing generic drugs to get to market sooner. By increasing competition, this legislation will bring down the cost of drugs. 

I’ve also introduced legislation to stop the Health Insurance Tax from going into effect until after 2021, ensuring premiums don’t go up. Finally, I’m co-leading the effort to reform surprise billing to encourage fair prices and wider networks. Patients should get the care they need and not get stuck with bills they had little or no control over.

Making health care more accessible: 

Health care is a human right, and I’m working to make sure every American can get access to health care. Even though the Affordable Care Act helped 20 million people gain insurance, 27 million remain uninsured. That number is too high. 

That’s why I’ve introduced legislation to help states institute auto-enrollment, which will help the 4.2 million people who currently qualify for health care with no premium gain coverage. 

Click here to read my op-ed on how to reach universal health care coverage. 

Making health care better:

Health care isn’t about politics, it’s about people’s lives. That’s why I’m fighting to make sure that all insurance plans get people the help they need. 

Last month, I helped passed the Protecting Americans with Pre-Existing Conditions Act, which secures essential benefits and protections for people with preexisting conditions. It also bans insurance plans that don’t cover essential benefits and have critical consumer protections. 

I’ve worked to expand peer-to-peer mental health programs for firefighters and first responders by reintroducing the HERO Act. First responders protect our communities, so it’s our obligation to answer their call and to ensure they have access to life-saving mental health care. 

I was proud to co-author the Improving Seniors’ Timely Access to Care Act of 2019, which gets rid of unnecessary bureaucratic hurdles and delays, putting health care back between patients and their doctor.

Congress should be a place to serve you, not for special interests or politicians who only look out for themselves. Please feel free to contact me to share your views.

Be well,

Ami Bera, M.D.
Member of Congress